All Things Being Equal ?
International Small Works Show [Squared]
SIZE: 4″ x 4″, 8″ x 8″ or 12″ x 12” ONLY Works not following size and instructions below may not be included in exhibition !
From a symbolic standpoint, squares are multi-layered & complex, holding meaning in various cultures & religious beliefs. Because the four sides are equal, it represents proper structure, balance, logic & order. There is a strong belief that human existence can be explained & governed using the four sides of the square.
The four sides of a square are associated with:
The four seasons of the earth (winter, spring, summer, autumn)
The four compass directions (north, south, east, west)
The four elements on earth (earth, wind, fire, water)
The four cosmic elements (suns, moons, planets, stars)
The four phases of human life (birth, child, adult, death)
The “All Things Being Equal?” show is about finding community, ideas & commonality in our shared experiences. We want artists to submit pieces that embody the spirit of their work. (styles, themes, or general genre & medium usually worked in). Art soothes, persuades, perturbs, asks questions & above all persists.
Organized in partnership by House of Friends Kenya, House of Friends Cincinnati, & NOW open studio.
“We hope to expose a broad spectrum of the viewing public to a world wide collective of artistic voices.” – HOF/ NOW
What you’ll need to do:
- Create Work
- Mail Work to Us
- Upload – Digital Images of Work
- Upload – Artist Statement, CV, List of Work
- Pay Fee
Mail artworks, post marked by- July 30, 2022
Upload digital images & documents by- July 30, 2022
Fee paid by- July 30, 2022
(We suggest artists outside the U.S. mail /post mark 1 -2 weeks earlier)
Fall, 2022 Nairobi , Kenya, Africa – HOF Gallery Kibera
Spring, 2023 HOF Gallery, Cincinnati, OH U.S.
Summer, 2023 NOW Art Space, Portland, OR, U.S.
Open to all practicing visual artists. An international call.
$10.00 for each work or $25.00 (USD) for 3 or 4 works.
(fee is to support cost of travel for exhibition)
Size: 4″ x 4″, 8″ x 8″ or 12″ x 12″.
NO thicker than 1/4 inch. (.64 cm).
Works that do not follow size requirement will not be included in the exhibition. We recommend strong paper, canvas, or board etc. Mount fragile works on thin board. – NO thicker than 1/4 inch. (.64 cm).
On the reverse side of the artwork be sure to write: your name, signature, title of work (if applicable), website and email address, price in U.S.dollars.
Open to all traditional & non-traditional visual arts media, genre, subject or content. May include: drawing, painting, sculptural, collage, photography, printmaking, etc. 2D only. NO MATS, FRAMES or STRETCHERS
(No commercially printed work or postcards! One of a kind art works, photos, hand pulled prints ONLY)